Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Wireless power transmitter using IC555

This is a wireless power transmitter that used IC 555 and power transistor.
I used it for running 36 white LEDs.
You can use any other NPN power transistor instead of 13003.
Both coils are 30 turns enamelled wire 30 SWG with 5cm diameter.
10 ohm resistor that placed between base of transistor and pin3 of IC, can replaced by 5 to 75 ohm resistor or jumped, if you jumped it the max. distance range between two coils increased.(power consumption also increased)
The circuit run by 3v battery and power consumption is 80 to 270mA.

Parts list:
IC555 https://goo.gl/R2x7X3
Transistor 13003 (Transistor Kit https://goo.gl/5csLJy)
Coils 30 turns, 5cm diameter, 30 SWG wire
(CeramicCapacitor kit https://goo.gl/q29Du3
Capacitor 3.3nF
Capacitor 47nF
(Resistor kit https://goo.gl/p4JvQY)
Resistor 1k
Resistor  10 ohm
Resistor 10k
LEDs https://goo.gl/SPCY5o
Battery 3v

Wireless power transmitter using IC555

Wireless power transmitter using IC555

Wireless power transmitter using IC555

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