Friday, October 5, 2018

Traffic light using 4017 and 555

Traffic light using 4017 and 555

Traffic light using 4017 and 555

Parts List:
Transistor 2N2222(3pcs)
Red 3mm LED(23pcs)
Yellow 3mm LED(23pcs)
Green 3mm LED(23pcs)
Potentiometer 100K or 1M
Resistor 100K
Resistor 200R 1W
Resistor 1K(3pcs)
Capacitor 10uF 16v
Diode 1N4007 or 1N4148 (9pcs)


Traffic light using 4017 and 555

To order this PCB first go to the website link below, Then click "Add to card" then select the PCB color and quantity then click "Submit" and after few minutes when review completed by the engineers, you can pay for it by clicking on "Proceed to Checkout"
